Community Leaders
Former Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal
Portland City Commissioner Carmen Rubio
Portland Community College Board Member Kien Truong
Portland Public School Board Member Eddie Wang
Portland Public Schools Board Member Michelle DePass
State Representative Andrea Valderrama
State Representative Hoa Nguyen
Ana Meza
Candace Avalos
Former Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer
Senator Kayse Jama
Jamal Dar, African Youth Coalition of Oregon
Metro Councilor Ashton Simpson
Metro Councilor Duncan Hwang
Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson
State Representative Thuy Tran
Sam Balto, Coach and Bike Bus Leader
State Senator Kathleen Taylor
State Senator Michael Dembrow
State Senator Kayse Jama
Zachary Lauritzen, Oregon Walks
State Representative Rob Nosse
State Representative Courtney Neron
Stephanie Routh
Khanh Pham has offered bold, solutions-oriented leadership during her time as an Oregon House Representative. I am thrilled to be her constituent and cannot wait to vote for her to represent us in the Oregon Senate!
Kiel Johnson
Go By Bike is the largest bike valet in North America. We are proud to endorse Khanh Pham. We share her transportation vision for Oregon.
Tom Getts
I am confident KP endorses the ratification of ERA to the Constitution 100 years after this just and democratic demand was issued ...
Brenda J. Gilmer
Impelled by public service, powered by brains and heart.
Alan Journet
As a facilitator of the Southern Oregon Climate Action Now Federal and State Project Team, I find myself closely involved in the state legislative session each year.
This experience leads me to conclude that there are few members of the Oregon Legislature who understand and represent the joint issues of climate change and social justice as well as does Rep. Pham. We look forward to her taking a similar lead in the Senate. Though the organization cannot endorse candidates, I can do so personally and endorse Khanh Pham for Senate District for Senate District 23.
Nora Lehmann
Khanh is a climate champion, and as a mom, and she knows how critical this decade is if we’re going to leave our children a livable planet … or keep burning fossil fuels and destroy their future.
Sandy Polishuk
Khanh has been full of good ideas and effective in turning them into action items in the house. I look forward to watching her do so in the senate.
Jamie Partridge
Khanh Pham has consistently been on the frontlines in the struggle for workers and tenants rights.
Bob Watada
Khanh sees a better future for ALL Oregonians.
Dr. Joy Mutare Fashu Kanu
Khanh is a change maker in many, many ways. I am honored to call her friend. When I first met her, it was through transcribing an interview she had given. I was impressed with her then and am more impressed to know she is as authentic as she sounded in that interview from 2017
Mark Lakeman
Our District 23 is so lucky to have such an outstanding candidate for Senate as Khanh Pham! She is dedicated, brilliant, tireless, honest, fearless, and ready to rock! Elect Khanh Pham and don't look back!
Mary Lou Hennrich
Khanh has proven to be a very effective activist, organizer and state legislator. She brings her passion and skills that are needed in the Oregon Senate.
Bonnie McKinlay
Khanh works 100% for the people and environment of Oregon. She is not "owned" by any special intersts.
Mark Alter
Khanh Pham is a quality communicator and a hard-working people's politician.
Elliot Akwai-Scott
I served on the ODOT 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan Community Advisory Committee from 2016-2018 and it was clear jurisdictional transfer to PBOT would be necessary to make the improvements our neighborhoods deserve. We recommended jurisdictional transfer knowing that other community groups and advisory committees had be making the same recommendation for literally decades with no movement. Imagine my surprise a few short years later when Rep. Pham and PBOT Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty announced the transfer, along with $185 million funding package for improvements to 82nd! Rep. Pham has delivered on the biggest projects and priorities for our neighborhoods of any politician in memory, and I'm proud to endorse her for Oregon State Senate.