2024 Senate Priorities
Our campaign centers around three bold priorities: an Oregon Green New Deal, A Healthy, Inclusive Democracy, and an Economy that Prioritizes People, not Profit. These aren't just policy points; they form the bedrock of a future where Oregon leads in combating climate change, upholding the rights of every member of our community, and creating communities where everyone thrives. I will be your Senator who faces head-on the climate crisis, the persistent economic inequalities, and the corrosion of our democracy. When we organize, we win, and we’re just getting started.
— Khanh Pham
Oregon Green New Deal
We need to continue transitioning off fossil fuels and building out renewable energy infrastructure. Our climate action agenda must tackle Oregon’s transportation and housing/building sector. Transportation represents 40% of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, and our housing and buildings are the next largest source of emissions. The climate crisis offers an opportunity for us to remake our systems in a way that is more democratic, localized, and resilient, while also providing investments and protections for communities that are already hit hardest by the wildfire, smoke, and heat events that threaten our state. We can promote healthier communities and create good-paying jobs. We can build a future where industries are accountable and leaders in protecting our natural resources.
Future Actions:
Divest publicly-managed funds from fossil fuel industries
Invest in public transit, rail, active transportation, and maintenance of existing roads rather than expanding highways
Promote sustainable agriculture practices and resiliency against extreme weather events
Create good-paying jobs and prepare workers as we build green and new infrastructure – builders, carpenters, arborists, engineers
Discontinue methane-fracked gas appliance lines in new buildings; replace gas lines in existing homes to prevent indoor air pollution
Protect clean air and clean water
Keep Oregon on track to meet its statewide climate goals
Racial Justice & Democracy
Oregon needs stronger guardrails on our democracy to curb undue influence and protect the public interest. We need to enfranchise all people, especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who have been historically marginalized. We need to counter the divisive tactics of right-wing forces who breed contempt for our multicultural democracy. In a democracy, voters must confidently know that their elected leaders are serving the public interest, not private profit. Unfortunately, Oregon is one of only a handful of states with no limits on campaign finance, which enables special interests to spend unlimited dollars in our politics. Oregonians deserve better. We need to build and restore trust with the public to safeguard our democracy for Oregonians, no matter what we look like or where we come from. We need more transparency in governance and a complete overhaul of our campaign finance laws to build that trust. We need comprehensive reform to ensure that the government truly answers to the people, not to whoever writes the biggest checks.
Future Actions:
Campaign finance reform that instills accountability, transparency, and fairness, and strengthens trust in our democratic institutions
Strengthening bias and hate response; supporting victims of hate
End the anti-democratic walkouts that obstruct democracy and legislative sessions by adopting a simple majority quorum (aligning with 46 other states and the US Constitution).
Ensuring the opportunity to represent the public and serve in government is available to all Oregonians, regardless of wealth and privilege
An Economy that Prioritizes People, not Profit
We need to invest in the basics that make life worth living: good schools, safe streets, dependable healthcare, and housing that doesn’t break the bank. It's not enough to just get by; we should all have the opportunity to thrive. When we lift one aspect of society, we elevate everyone. We must re-envision the purpose of our economy as a system that works to support the complete health of our communities. We must build an economy that looks forward, not back to a pre-COVID economy that no longer exists.
Future Actions:
Invest in affordable housing, landbanking and community land trust models so that Oregonians benefit from housing construction, not wealthy wall street speculators
Access to affordable and universal healthcare, including reproductive health services
Expanding mental and behavioral health treatment services, including in schools and workplaces
Ensure quality and affordable child care that meets the needs of every child and caregiver
Expanding anti-poverty initiatives like Earned Income Tax Credit
Full funding for education - preschool through college and trades - anchored in truthful histories, justice and belonging for all
Invest in safe, affordable, and reliable transportation options for those who cannot afford or choose not to rely on cars; reliable transportation for rural communities and small cities
Senate District 23
Senate District 23 covers portions of NE and SE Portland and the city of Maywood Park. It represents the geographic core of the city of Portland. From Montavilla to Mt. Scott, Arleta to Argay, Lents to Rocky Butte, Parkrose to Roseway, Senate District 23 represents both what Portland and Oregon are and what they are becoming. With more than 30 racial/ethnic identities in the latest Census, our district is one of the most diverse in the state. Our community ranges from the lush greenery of Mount Tabor to the unpaved roads surrounding 82nd Avenue.
Khanh has spent years listening to and organizing with communities in the heart of her district. The challenges and opportunities faced by the families in her district in many ways mirror what people are encountering across our state.